Hello, I'm Lih-Ying Wen, a graphic and motion designer with 10 years of freelance experience, working between Taiwan and France. I graduated from GOBELINS, l'école de l'image in France, and my expertise spans across visual design, packaging, and illustration.
My design style is characterized by precision and organization, and I’m passionate about storytelling through clean and structured visuals. I enjoy taking complex information and crafting it into clear, compelling narratives that resonate with audiences.
Away from work, I enjoy mountain hiking, cycling, or running.
Please feel free to reach out! I’m always open to new collaborations and creative opportunities.
2017 - 2023,國立臺灣師範大學,設計學系碩士班
2019 - 2020,法國哥布林視覺學校,動態圖像設計學程
2010 - 2013,國立東華大學,藝術與設計學系
2005 - 2010,文藻外語大學,五專部法文科
2019 - 2020,法國哥布林視覺學校,動態圖像設計學程
2010 - 2013,國立東華大學,藝術與設計學系
2005 - 2010,文藻外語大學,五專部法文科
2017 - 2023, National Taiwan Normal University, Department of Design, Master of Arts
2019 - 2020, Les Gobelins l'école de l'image, Graphiste Motion Designer (en temps plein)
2010 - 2013, National Dong Hwa University, Department of Arts & Design, Bachelor of Arts
2005 - 2010, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Department of French, Associate of Arts
2019 - 2020, Les Gobelins l'école de l'image, Graphiste Motion Designer (en temps plein)
2010 - 2013, National Dong Hwa University, Department of Arts & Design, Bachelor of Arts
2005 - 2010, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Department of French, Associate of Arts
2019,Adobe卓越設計大獎,印刷與平面設計組,Top Talent
2019,Adobe卓越設計大獎,印刷與平面設計組,Top Talent
2019, Taiwan Ministry of Education Scholarship Program for Overseas Study in Arts & Design
2019, Adobe Design Achievement Awards, Print / Graphic Category Top Talent
2018, Platinum Originality International University Students Graphic Design Competition, Award of Selected
2018, Adobe Design Achievement Awards, Print Communications Semifinals
2014, Adobe Design Achievement Awards, Print Communications Semifinals
2012, College Student Research Scholarship Award, National Science Council
2019, Adobe Design Achievement Awards, Print / Graphic Category Top Talent
2018, Platinum Originality International University Students Graphic Design Competition, Award of Selected
2018, Adobe Design Achievement Awards, Print Communications Semifinals
2014, Adobe Design Achievement Awards, Print Communications Semifinals
2012, College Student Research Scholarship Award, National Science Council
2023,FABRE, Typeface Inspired by Insects,字體設計創作個展,台灣台北澍林
2020,Au Pays des Monstres,Léopold Chauveau作品展,法國巴黎奧塞美術館
2011,A For Asperger,六人聯展,台灣花蓮松園別館
2011,Think Different,國立東華大學與南開大學交流展,中國天津
2020,Au Pays des Monstres,Léopold Chauveau作品展,法國巴黎奧塞美術館
2011,A For Asperger,六人聯展,台灣花蓮松園別館
2011,Think Different,國立東華大學與南開大學交流展,中國天津
2023, "FABRE, Typeface Inspired by Insects" - Solo Exhibition, Taipei, Taiwan
2020, "Au Pays des Monstres" - Exhibition of Léopold Chauveau, Musée d'Orsay (Pairs), France
2019, "Empathy" - Taiwan, China, Korea Poster Design Exchange Exhibition, Nanjing, China
2019, "Two Leaning Towers" - International Invitational Poster Exhibition, Suzhou, China
2018 "Rights" - Taiwan, China, Korea Poster Design Exchange Exhibition, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 "Aroundless" - Art Residency in Meeting in Zdoňov, Zdoňov, Czech Republic
2013 "Resusci Anne" - Arts & Design Graduation Exhibition, Taipei & Hualien, Taiwan
2012 "30x30x30" - Arts Student Group Exhibition, Hualien, Taiwan
2011 "A For Asperger" - Photography Group Exhibition, Hualien, Taiwan
2011 "Think Different" - Arts & Design Group Exhibition, Tianjin, China
2020, "Au Pays des Monstres" - Exhibition of Léopold Chauveau, Musée d'Orsay (Pairs), France
2019, "Empathy" - Taiwan, China, Korea Poster Design Exchange Exhibition, Nanjing, China
2019, "Two Leaning Towers" - International Invitational Poster Exhibition, Suzhou, China
2018 "Rights" - Taiwan, China, Korea Poster Design Exchange Exhibition, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 "Aroundless" - Art Residency in Meeting in Zdoňov, Zdoňov, Czech Republic
2013 "Resusci Anne" - Arts & Design Graduation Exhibition, Taipei & Hualien, Taiwan
2012 "30x30x30" - Arts Student Group Exhibition, Hualien, Taiwan
2011 "A For Asperger" - Photography Group Exhibition, Hualien, Taiwan
2011 "Think Different" - Arts & Design Group Exhibition, Tianjin, China