此動畫是根據法國奧塞美術館收藏Léopold Chauveau(1870-1940)的作品而做的短篇動畫。Chauveau是法國的一名醫生兼藝術家,在經歷了戰爭和家人逝去的痛苦後,他全心投入在繪製插畫與雕塑,並以半人半獸的怪物為創作的主題。在《Paysages Monstrueux》系列中,他筆下虛構怪物在如沙漠般的廣闊土地上漫遊,而Chauveau在他的繪畫中採用簡潔明快的筆觸,以樸素的風格描繪了他的人物。
This is a short animation based on the works of the artist Léopold Chauveau (1870-1940) from Musée d'Orsay. Chauveau was a doctor, illustrator and sculptor in France. After surfing the war and lost of his family, he devoted himself to arts and created lots of monsters in his works. In the series of "Paysages Monstrueux", the monsters are passing through the desert. In his drawing, Chauveau adopted a concise and incisive stroke to portray his characters in a naive style.
Most of the monsters walk in order with silence and weird ambiance in his drawing. This atmosphere reminds me of the funeral ceremony in Taiwan. Therefore, I made a scenario for telling a story that described three monsters who were carrying a coffin in a desert. They stopped for taking a rest, and the one at the end of the line was asked to stay with the coffin. Suddenly, the legs of the deceased's popped out of the coffin. The monster was surprised and tried to push the legs back into the coffin without success. Meanwhile, his companions were coming back. He was not willing to be accused of not taking care of his responsibility, therefore he figured out a way to remove with this "barrier". Then, the three monsters continued their work and proceeded to the funeral ceremony. In the end, the secret of the monster was buried in the soil with the coffin forever.
This animation will be exhibited at the Musée d'Orsay from March to June 2020.

Genre: Animation
Scenario & Script: Lih-Ying Wen
Animate & Illustration: Lih-Ying Wen
Project: Exhibition "Au pays des monstres" of Musée D'Orsay
Year: 2020