這是電影片頭設計工作坊的作品,西班牙導演Pedro Almodóvar所執導的《Hable Con Ella 悄悄告訴她》故事劇情主要是在敘述兩位失去摯愛的男性如何與他們成為植物人的愛人們溝通。我們以「布簾」隱喻兩者互動的障礙,在布幕後若隱若現的掙扎,如同訴說者和傾聽者之間的隔閡與阻礙,無法能完整地傳遞情感。我們安排了一名舞者與一名男性手模來拍攝,並轉場上後製出拉扯的效果。而阿莫多瓦的電影中,用色往往豔俗且狂野,有極大的視覺衝擊,我們延續他的美學風格並套用在字的動態與顏色上,讓字以不合比例的方式變形。由於在電影中最後角色的處境恰好與起初相反,因此在色彩我們也安排了轉換以呼應結尾。
This is the non official title sequence of film "Hable Con Ella" of Pedro Almodóvar. The story is talking about two men whose lovers are in coma and have difficulty of communication. We created an abstract ambience and used the curtain to metaphorize the interaction between men and women, which means the curtain is a barrier for speakers and listeners. Besides, the transitions and the typography are distorted in disproportionate for showing the struggle of characters. The colors in Almodovar's films are often vivid and frippery which create visual impact. We would like to keep his aesthetic style on typography as well.

Genre: Title Sequence Design
Designer & Filming: Juliette Lévite, Lih-Ying Wen
Actors: Jessie Toesca
Music: Alberto Iglesias
Project: Title Sequence Design Workshop of Olivier Marquézy at Gobelins
Year: 2020