2020年Gobelins的校園開放日主題為「Plein la vue 全視野」,我們從不同學程的創作與屬性中擷取素材,例如將印刷過程所產生的半色調網版圖應用於平面設計科系;以點線面構成的圖形應用於互動設計;參考視訊故障的交錯,添加在遊戲設計科系的視覺上;逐格的影像套用於動畫科系等,讓所學習到的東西與我們融合。
The theme of Gobelins's doors open days is "Plein la vue" (Full view). We extract the elements and attributes from different formations for making the series of posters, i.e. abstract halftone for graphic design formation; line and plane for interactive design formation; glitch of screen for video game formation; frame-by-frame for animation formation. We combined all the elements with portrait to represent what we have learned.

Genre: Poster Design
Designer: Elli Coulombiers, Elisa Lecleire, Lih-Ying Wen
Actress: Jessie Toesca
Project: Doors Open Days of Gobelins
Year: 2019