知名旅遊書籍孤獨星球 Lonely Planet,是具參考價值的國際性旅遊指南。高雄於 2018 年被孤獨星球列入全球十大旅遊城市,排行第五,是亞洲唯一入榜城市。高雄是一個藝術、文化和音樂綜合體,此摺頁納入了孤獨星球推薦的景點與美食,以活潑、明亮的色彩表現,為城市注入更多活力,獲得更多國外觀光客關注。
Lonely Planet, a well-known travel guide book publisher, announced “Kaohsiung” as one of the world’s top 10 cities to visit in 2018. Kaohsiung City Government reproduced with permission from LonelyPlanet’s recommendations for how to experience the culture of Kaohsiung. Accordingly, I illustrated each sightseeing spots and make a brochure for tourism guide map. I used different colors to distinguish the multi-lingual version.

Genre: Illustration, Brochure Design
Client: Administrative & International Affairs, Kaohsiung City Government 高雄市政府行政暨國際事務處
Year: 2018