海報的概念以記者採訪用的麥克風加上槍的手勢,來表示媒體的社會亂象。台灣記者因市場競爭激烈,各家媒體常採用聳動的標語與刺激的畫面,以換取較高的收視率,然而媒體的採訪行為,往往造成被害者或被受訪人的⼆次傷害。作為記者,應抱持同理心,避免侵入式採訪及拍攝,尊重受難家屬的感受, 審慎查證並以專業理理性的⽅式呈現新聞內容,避免情緒性的報導以造成社會恐慌與爭議,才能以更客觀的角度傳達訊息並達到社會責任。
I used a microphone and the gesture of gun to express the social chaos of the media. Due to fierce market competition in Taiwan, various media often use exaggerated slogans and stimulating images in exchange for higher view ratings. However, these phenomena usually cause harm to victims. Journalists should be empathetic. Respect to the victims and avoid emotional reporting to cause more social panics and controversy.

Genre: Poster Design
Project: "Empathy" - Taiwan, Xiamen, Nanjing, Korea Design Exchange Exhibition
Year: 2019