Meetree 森會為一台灣檜木精油之新品牌,以林業起家,致力於傳遞森林療癒的力量,將樹木花草的香氣注入生活,找回內心平靜與舒緩,讓生活與森林相會。
Meetree is a new Taiwanese brand specializing in cypress essential oils. Rooted in forestry, the brand is dedicated to sharing the healing power of forests, infusing the scents of trees and plants into daily life to restore inner peace and relaxation, creating a harmonious connection between life and nature.
The brand identity features soft, hand-drawn cypress leaves, evoking the soothing embrace of the forest, complemented by leaves from other plant varieties. These elements are illustrated in a circular composition, symbolizing the richness and vitality of life in the mountains and forests. The brand’s color palette centers on shades of green, accented with stone-textured hues to add a refined, cool-toned aesthetic.



Genre: Identity Design, Branding, Packaging Design
Client: 穀雨軒顧問股份有限公司
Year: 2021