PerSkinn為台灣一螢幕保護貼製造與研發品牌,引進歐美與日本尖端材料,打造高品質的保護貼,就如Perfect Skin般地完美皮膚保護螢幕。此精品保護貼系列產品主打高功能性玻璃保護貼,擁有高硬度與精緻的透光度。包裝概念以三角形組合出抽象化的鑽石圖樣,搭配大膽的配色,詮釋出產品特質與強烈的風格,並利用留白空間提昇商品於展示區內的關注。
PerSkinn is a screen protector branding based in Taiwan, with advanced optical lens processing technology and the raw materials from Europe and Japan. This series of product features high quality optical, high hardness and high transparency, which perfect show the original screen colors and offer the reliability to customers. Designer composed the abstract pattern with colorful triangle to interpret the hardness of the protector film as hard as diamond, and keep the white space to enhance the attraction for display.

Genre: Packaging Design
Client: PerSkinn 博士新
Year: 2015