畢業專題製作為國立東華大學藝術與設計學系 102 級規劃完整的形象識別系統,包含海報、專刊、邀請卡、明信片、書籤、筆記本、紙袋、概念型商品、官方網頁和展場設計等,其展覽主題為「安妮與安東尼」。
「安妮與安東尼」的由來,是一名外科醫師的女兒因溺水死亡,他決心發明 CPR,並以女兒的名字安妮做為心肺復甦術模型的命名,男生稱為安東尼。安妮與安東尼象徵著給予人們救贖與重生的可能,在本屆畢業展覽中更代表了102級的同學們這四年來對自我的重生,將所見、所學、所感受的,經由時間的推波,以重生後的姿態迎接下一個新的階段。

“Resusci Anne” is the theme of National Dong Hwa University Department of Arts & Design 2013 Graduation Exhibition. As a model for practicing CPR, “Resusci Anne” also represents rebirth and revival. In the main concept of this exhibition, CPR symbolizes the characteristics of these young designers and artists - creative, passionate and renascence. We expect each student can step into anther phase of life with a new perspective.
The distinctive face of Resusci Anne was based on “The Unknown Woman of the Seine”. With this story and our core concept, we remade the face by using silicone and clay for representing the young designers and artists. By using their expertise and skills, they created a brand-new view point with their works.
封面的設計概念,來自溺水的安妮與安東尼,透過封面來呈現溺水者漂浮在水面上的臉孔。以紙塑處理模壓成型,可實際觸摸到立體的五官和臉孔,以增加真實觸感。裝訂方式以特殊加工,可使頁面完全攤平,利於呈現大幅的跨 頁作品,不須破壞紙張穿線,也不易掉落,書背以彈性布固定,因此在翻閱時才不會造成書背產生摺痕的問題,更顯得精緻美觀。
Genre: Identity Design, Editorial Design, Web Design
Project:  2013 Graduation Project in NDHU
Year: 2013
Designer: Lih-Ying Wen, Siao-Ying Chen, Sophia Lin, Yi-An Ho, Wei-Ting Wang