"Silence is true wisdom’s best reply." 這句引文來自古希臘悲劇家之一歐里庇得斯。沉默是無形、無聲、無色的。在客觀海報(左側)中,沉默是一個黑洞,當沒有任何一個詞可以準確表達話語的時候,「沈默」卻可以文字以外的方式傳達。 而在主觀海報(右側)中,音樂家在指揮休止符的樂譜,這個想法的靈感來自John Cage的4'33。 換句話說,即使沉默是無聲的,它仍然是一種不同的交流方式。
After reading “The debate: the legendary contest of two giants of graphic design”, I found that these two great designers, Wim Crouwel and Jan van Toorn, have different philosophy on their design. Wim Crouwel specialized in using typography, shape and grid system to express his idea. On the other hand, Jan van Toorn’s works show his irrational emotion and his open character. Accordingly, I made a poster that represents the same meaning but displayed in Wim Crouwel way(objective) and Jan van Toorn way(subjective).
"Silence is true wisdom’s best reply." This quotation is from Euripides, one of the ancient Greek tragedians. Silence is invisible, wordless, soundless, thoughtful and achromatic. In objective poster (left-hand side), silence is a blackhole, and it can communicate with others while none of the words can exactly express. It says everything instead of words. On the contrary, in subjective poster (right-hand side), a conductor is manipulating the music scores with other rest notes in a movement. This idea is inspired fromJohn Cage’s 4’33. In other words, even though silence is soundless, it is still a different way of communication.
Genre: Poster Design
Project: Self Project
Year: 2018