位於法國羅亞爾河谷的奧爾良市(Orléans),每年夏季在主教堂均會舉行Son et Lumière聲光慶典,將影像投影在奧爾良主教堂的外牆,以供遊客觀賞。
2020年的主題為羅亞爾河(La Loire),為法國最長的河流。數百年來,人們已藉由河川發展出無數的商業與休閒活動,是法國水上運輸的重要通道。而隨著鐵路的普及,當年盛極一時的風光已不在。為了重現昔日羅亞爾河往年繁榮的景象,便有了羅亞爾河節,來自全法河川的帆船與水手匯聚於此,也是目前歐洲船隻的最大集會。
Located in Orléans, a city in the Loire Valley of France, the annual Son et Lumière Festival takes place during summer at the Orléans Cathedral. The event features spectacular light and sound displays, projecting vibrant imagery onto the cathedral’s façade for visitors to enjoy.
The theme for 2020 was "La Loire", France's longest river. For centuries, the Loire River served as a vital channel for commerce and recreation, playing a pivotal role in water transportation across the country. However, with the advent of railways, its golden era gradually faded. To revive the river's historic significance, the Festival de Loire was introduced, celebrating the heritage of this majestic waterway. The festival gathers sailors and boats from rivers across France, forming Europe's largest assembly of traditional vessels.
Inspired by this rich history, the visuals depicted the Loire's vibrant past, showcasing ships sailing along the river. Masts were raised, sails unfurled, and flags adorned the scene, reflecting the colorful and diverse fleet that embodies the spirit of the festival.

Directed by: François-Guillaume Steiner, Lih-Ying Wen, Zoé Deutsch
Music: Alexandre Bessonov
Project: Video Mapping
Year: 2020
Music: Alexandre Bessonov
Project: Video Mapping
Year: 2020